1. Give it a try!
Now that you have received your sample in the mail, it’s time to unbox! Make sure to thoroughly read the instructions and any of the provided material such as the promotional card that came with the sample. Whether your sample is a new cleaning product or a skincare solution, it is important to try your product out a few times (if possible) before forming an opinion.
2. Share with Family and Friends
Once you have had ample time marinating and testing your product out, it’s time to share your thoughts and feedback with friends. Discuss and share honest feedback on the sample. Did you like it? Would you recommend?
If you are feeling generous, you may even share a bit of your product sample with those close to you. Or, you can keep it all to yourself – depending on your mood!
3. Provide your feedback on the sample
After sharing feedback with your friends and family, it’s important to let the brand and us know how you are feeling about the sample you received. Check your inbox for emails from ProductSamples.com.
Your opinion matters to brands (and to us) which is why we coordinate reviews and surveys to be sent to your email. Take time to fill these forms out and provide feedback on elements that you may have enjoyed about the product or other things you may like to see improved on. All feedback is welcome!
4. Tweet, Post, Story, TikTok, etc.
Now that you have reviewed, discussed, and shared feedback on the product, it is time to take out your smart phone and reach your wider network of followers. Take to social media to share your story!
Tag the brand and ProductSamples.com social handles as well so we can repost and share your experience with our followers. Brands love to see consumers creating and curating their own content. You may even be featured on the brand’s Instagram story! We may repost you as well.
5. Follow the brand and look for additional offers
Check out the brand’s social media and follow them on FB, IG, Twitter, etc. Signing up for email marketing from a brand will allow you to stay in the know for when additional discounts, giveaways and sampling opportunities may be available. Check your inbox for more sampling opportunities from ProductSamples.com. If you are a strong match for one of our programs, you will be receiving an email with an offer to claim more products!
Best of luck #PSinsiders!